Using .gitignore in a Django project

Using .gitignore in a Django project

A .gitignore is a file that specifies files and directories that git should ignore when adding files to the repository.

The .gitignore is usually placed in the root directory of the repository, and it applies to all subdirectories underneath it.

Some patterns in a .gitignore file are:

  • *.pyc - which matches any file with the .pyc extension

  • .env/ - which matches .env directory

I have outlined the most basic files that a Django developer can have in a .gitignore file.

# Django-specific files

# Virtual Environment

# PyCharm-specific files

# Other files

Under Django-specific files:

  • .log - This contains information about the program's runtime events, such as errors, warnings, and debug messages

  • .pot - It is short for "Portable Object Template." It contains translatable strings.

  • .pyc - These are compiled Python bytecode files.

  • __pycache__/ - It is a directory that is used by Python to store compiled bytecode files (.pyc files) for Python modules

  • - It is a Python file that is used to store local configuration settings for a Django web application

  • db.sqlite3 - This file is created automatically by Django when the project is initialized, and it is used to store the data for the Django models

Under Virtual Environment:

  • .env - It is a file that is used to store environment variables for a project.

  • venv/ and env/- These are directories that are used to store a Python virtual environment

Under PyCharm-specific files:

  • .idea/ - PyCharm project configuration directory
  • .DS_Store: A file created by macOS to store metadata for a directory

  • Thumbs.db: A file created by Windows to store thumbnail images for a directory

  • .coverage: A file created by the coverage Python package to store code coverage data

  • .tox/: A directory created by the tox Python package to store test environments

  • .eggs/: A directory created by the setuptools Python package to store eggs (zipped Python packages)

You can use this template as a starting point, and customize it to fit the specific needs of your project.

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